How To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply

Posted by Riannon Page on

The last thing you want to worry about as a new mama is how to increase your supply and whether your baby is getting enough milk to support a healthy weight and development.

Here are a few tips you can start implementing when you start breastfeeding to support your breastmilk production!

1. Water is most important.

Have a 1-litre water bottle to carry with you through the day or keep water next to a breastfeeding chair or place you are likely to breastfeed most often so its easy to grab. Aim for 2-3 liter every day. 

Hydramama sachets are a great way to boost your hydration and remineralise the body + they have all different flavours – you can shop for them on our website.

2. Reach for foods high in protein and fats.

Avoid reaching for foods that fill you up and provide you with little nutritional value. Instead make a few snacks ahead of time that contain both protein and fats i.e. protein balls, smoothie packs, mini quiche’s, mixed nuts alongside healthy premade meals you can keep in the freezer and pull out on busy days.

3. Herbal tea: Nettle leaf / fenugreek / fennel.

Certain herbs contain galactagogue actions meaning they help to increase milk production. Try sipping on nettle, fennel, or fenugreek tea during the day to support your milk supply and nutrient intake as nettle tea is rich in vitamin A, C, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. Fennel tea is also great for supporting infant colic and digestive issues, have it as a tea or buy it fresh to add into your cooking.

4. Keep up with your breastfeeding prenatal-multivitamin and essential fatty acids.

Don’t stop these after birth as they are just as important postpartum as they help to replenish nutrient depletion, support breastfeeding quality, and ensure you are meeting the recommended daily intakes of nutrients, especially at this physically demanding time! Find our recommended breastfeeding multi and DHA bundle on our website.

5. Allow yourself to rest.

Prioritise rest and getting as much sleep as you can to keep your stress low and support milk supply.

If you’re struggling to nap when the baby sleeps, try to lie down and meditate for 10-15minutes during the day. Try getting into bed a little earlier if bubs down before you so you can get that much needed sleep you need!

6. See a lactation consultant.

Book in during your pregnancy for lactation workshops so you are best prepared for when it comes to breastfeeding. If you are having any feeding difficulties you can book in with a lactation consultant to support latching, assessment of milk supply, help detect tongue ties and for support!

7. Book in with one of our naturopaths!

If you are struggling with milk supply, there may be something further going on such as hormonal imbalance, thyroid disorders, high stress hormones etc. We can support you post-partum & have access to beautiful herbs to assist with milk supply or other areas or imbalance. Click here to book a consultation today.

Looking for personalised tips tailored to the challenges you're facing? Send us a DM here, and let's embark on this journey together. Your breastfeeding experience matters, and we're here to support you every step of the way!

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