A Common Nutrition Mistake Affecting Women's Fertility

Posted by Riannon Page on

Are you aware of this common mistake that many women are making with their nutrition that could be affecting their fertility?


Limiting macronutrients and eating too few calories can switch off the signalling of the hypothalamus to the ovaries. When there is not enough food to make a baby the body will go into survival mode, making the decision to avoid pregnancy. This can stop your entire cycle (also known as hypothalamic amenorrhea) or cause problems with releasing an egg and ovulating.

Women need to be eating a minimum of 2500 total calories for the body to feel it can take on a baby and have the nutrients and calories it needs to sustain a healthy pregnancy. The majority of these calories should come from good quality fats, protein and carbohydrates. Our diet is an integral factor in supporting our fertility, and we need to be eating enough calories to support a healthy ovulation and menstrual cycle!

Fats for hormone health

Sex hormones are made up from lipids and fats from our diet hence the importance of eating foods that provide us with essential fatty acids! Start making the switch from low-fat products to quality fat products which contain all the goodness for our hormones including fat soluble vitamins.

- Avocado, olive oil, organic free range eggs, coconut oil, ghee, organic butter, oily wild-caught fish including salmon, sardines, mackerel, almond or macadamia butter, tahini, nuts and seeds.

Importance of protein

Protein provides us with essential amino acids that are the building blocks for our body. Ensuring you are having enough protein in your diet will support your hormones, energy, metabolism, mood and fertility! Aim for 1g of protein per 0.8kg of body weight and ensure you are getting a source of protein in at every meal including breakfast (this is often missed in the standard Australian diet).

- Organic free range meats & fish, organic eggs, nuts and seeds, lentils, legumes, beans, quinoa, hemp seeds. We also love the Clean Lean Vanilla Protein from Nuzest

Don’t skip carbohydrates!

It’s time to implement carbohydrates back into your diet to support fertility and hormone balance. Stop limiting carbohydrates or cutting calories and start having a source of quality carbohydrates with every meal.

- Quinoa, brown rice, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, oats, buckwheat, sourdough.

As you work on supporting your fertility and hormones through nutritional modifications, remember that the food you consume plays a pivotal role in conception. By nourishing your body with the right nutrients, you are optimising your overall health and fertility!

Need help? Book a consultation with us today.

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