Unveiling the Link: Allergies and Hormonal Disruption

Posted by Riannon Page on

Allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to something normally harmless, such as pollen or dust mites and triggers inflammation which can produce a wide range of allergic symptoms.

These symptoms are known as hay fever, allergic rhinitis, digestive discomfort, eczema, asthma and hormone imbalances! Antihistamines provide quick-fix symptomatic relief however treating the underlying drivers of allergies particularly gut health and immune resilience can provide long-term health benefits and drive down your body’s inflammation.

Your gut bacteria, also known as your microbiome, is a foundation of good health and a functional immune system. An imbalance in the types and levels of gut bacteria has been identified as a characteristic feature of allergy, with research identifying differences in microbiome composition between people with allergies and without. An imbalanced gut microbiome can promote gut inflammation which stimulates inflammation beyond the gut! This includes the release of histamine causing the onset of many allergy symptoms. 

Allergies can contribute to an increase in prostaglandins, compounds that play a role in inflammation and pain sensation, which can in turn lead to heightened menstrual discomfort. When the body experiences an allergic response, it produces higher levels of prostaglandins as part of the inflammatory process. These elevated prostaglandins can cause the uterus to contract more strongly during menstruation, resulting in increased cramping and pain. Furthermore, the inflammatory response triggered by allergies can exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as endometriosis or fibroids, intensifying period pain.

Allergies also trigger the release of histamine, a compound that can disrupt hormonal balance by interfering with the production and function of certain hormones. For instance, histamine can upregulate the production of oestrogen leading to an imbalance of oestrogen in the body. Oestrogen excess has been found to cause PMS symptoms, pain, heavier bleeding, fluid retention, breast pain and hormonal headaches. 

Managing allergies effectively can reduce allergy symptoms, inflammation and the production of prostaglandins leading to balanced hormones and a strong immune-gut axis.

Schedule a consultation with our naturopath for personalised support today!

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