3 Naturopath recommended supplements to help women fall pregnant

Posted by Riannon Page on

In the Mungbean Health clinic, we work with clients wanting to fall pregnant every single day! Not only are they wanting to achieve a healthy pregnancy, but they are ALWAYS wanting it to happen fast and obviously to be a successful one!

We always check in on pathology at Mungbean Health to confirm areas that need some extra TLC but below are 3 common supplements we prescribe in clinic as a part of a personalised, preconception treatment plan. The top 3 supplements we use in clinic for these clients are N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), Ubiquinol & Essential fatty acids!

Did you know it takes approximately 90 days for an egg to mature before ovulation? This is an optimal time to get your health in check, your nutrients optimised and get your body ready to grow a healthy baby! You want to start a preconception regime a minimum of 3 months before you plan on
conceiving, more so if you have any prior health conditions or hormonal imbalances (PCOS, Endometriosis etc).

I know we focus a lot on women for preconception care but with all of the new research arising about males being a major player in the fertility game (go figure!!!), the below supplements can be amazing for them to. Please never self-prescribe though! Always reach out to your Naturopath for help!


First up is NAC, A.K.A N-acetyl-cysteine which is an amino acid that is also a potent antioxidant. It is an important factor in egg quality and maturation (& is particularly important for women over the age of 40 trying to conceive). Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of NAC’s success for fertility in different ways. One particular study showed its benefits in improving ovulation and pregnancy rates in PCOS patients & women with unexplained infertility. It does this by reducing oxidative stress that damages and kills reproductive cells. NAC is also known to lower insulin, it decreases the amount of male hormones circulating in women with PCOS and helps support a healthy
ovulation by regulating your menstrual cycle. It also helps to thin your cervical mucus to help sperm pass through and fertilise the egg (Skoracka et al 2021). Two other amazing areas that NAC can support women in clinic are those with endometriosis & recurrent miscarriage (McDonald, 2021 P.65). 

NAC is something we will commonly use at Mungbean Health in our personalised compounds for clients that are trying to conceive, dosages depend on the client.


Second is Ubiquinol- the active form of coenzyme Q10!
CoQ10, or Coenzyme Q10, is a naturally occurring enzyme that gives our cells energy (think of it like a power-pack). It is also a powerful antioxidant that protects the body against harmful free radicals. It is widely used as a part of preconception treatment with IVF because it can help boost fertility in women and men. For someone going through IVF, CoQ10 is the perfect addition because it has been shown to improve egg quality. It can also improve ovarian response to the stimulation involved in the IVF process. Research from
2018 compared an IVF cycle of women taking CoQ10 & not taking it and the results showed higher egg yields, higher embryo quality, more embryos to freeze & fewer cancelled cycles (McDonald, 2021 P.99).

Essential Fatty Acids 

Thirdly are the beautiful essential fatty acids found in diet and quality supplementation! The main reason I make this a non-negotiable in my clinic for many clients is due to the brain-power properties it gives to bub in early pregnancy via brain development. My favourite way to increase essential fatty acids is via high-quality, practitioner-only fish oil with a higher DHA component. If you do not have enough in your body for bub as they grow, your body will steal it from your own supply and pass it onto baby, limiting your supply and
leading to a decline in cognitive function (hello baby brain) and low mood. Low levels may also increase the risk of post-natal depression and anxiety (Coletta et al 2010). This isn’t something you stop after trimester one either, the benefits continue on during pregnancy and breastfeeding! You can get DHA from fish, nuts and seeds hence why I often ask clients to increase healthy fats in the diet!
Something you should be mindful of though, is ceasing supplementation around 36 weeks of gestation to avoid the risk of increased bleeding at delivery. Start again after bub is born to provide them with additional fats via breastmilk (if you choose/are able to breastfeed). 

Supplements are the best way to fast-track your results, improve egg quality and improve rates of fertilisation & implantation! If you want things to happen fast, this is one of the best ways. Remember there are many other factors that play a role in your preconception journey including diet, lifestyle & environmental factors so its best to seek help from a health professional.

Are you ready to start your preconception journey?
You want to start working with a fertility Naturopath (like us at Mungbean Health) 3-6 months prior to conception for best results!


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